1 piece of 3" ABS Pipe 12" long cut in half.
1 can spray paint in Hammered Copper color.
Hand saw or chop saw.
Drill and 1 1/4" drill bit.
Medium sand paper
Dremel with sanding drum. Steps
1. Cut 1 piece of 3" ABS Pipe 12" long.
2. Cut pipe in half and cut each end at 45 degree angle(see 1st photo below).
3. Drill 1 1/4" hole about 2" from end of pipe(see 1st photo below).
4. With dremel sand a 45degree taper toward the bottom of pipe on inside and toward the top of pipe on the outside(see 2nd photo below).
5. Sand pipe until all surfaces are smooth.
6. Spray 2 coats of Hammered Copper spray paint on all surfaces.
7. Allow to dry and put to use(see photo above).